Frequently Asked Questions about "Church"

We know what it's like to try anything for the first time - the anxiety, the questions, and the curiosity.  Visiting an established faith community can be a little intimidating - but it really shouldn't be.  We want you to feel safe and welcomed when you visit with us. 

So, we've come up with the top questions people usually ask before visiting a church. 

Having some information here does not mean that we do not want to speak with you personally - we would LOVE to have that opportunity. However, we know that many folk like to look first and then get involved later - so here is a little “no pressure” Q and A.


Q: What kind of church is this?

A: We are a member congregation of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America. In matters of day to day operations, we are completely independent (in other words the ELCA does not tell us what we can/cannot do). However, we connect together with other congregations to do some very important work in the USA and across the globe. For more on the ELCA - CLICK HERE

Q: Is this a Christian church, or something else?

A: We are Christian. We believe in God: the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. We accept the Historical Creeds of the Church (Apostles and Nicene) and believe that we are saved by God’s love in Jesus.  For a deeper conversation on what we believe, CLICK HERE

One of the hallmarks of the Lutheran church is that not all people must be in 100% agreement with all of the teachings of the church. Of course we agree on the basics - however - how each one's faith is lived out - day to day - is open to interpretation. There is room for discussion, there is room for disagreement and there is room for you at FJLC!!  Check out the "What We Believe" Page by CLICKING HERE

All Churches say that people are welcome - that is obvious.  CLICK HERE to read our statement of Welcome to get a fuller picture of the community here at FJ✟LC


Q: What will the service be like?

A: CLICK ON THIS LINK to get a taste of what each of our three weekly services are like. We are sure that we offer something for everyone. If not - let us know! We will do what we can to break down the barriers that come between people

and the opportunities to gather in worship.

Q: What about my kids - do they come in with me, or do they need to go somewhere else?

A: At FJLC - we feel families should always have the option to worship together. We provide a place for your children only if you desire. We do not require that kids exit the worship space at any point. Children are also welcome to share in Holy Communion with parental permission. Our Inter-generational education opportunity called Launch which is offered on Sunday and Wednesday provides age appropriate learning opportunities for kids through 6th grade.  For more information on our Launch program, CLICK HERE

Q: What should I wear?

A: Whatever you feel comfortable in. There are those in our community that dress very casually and those who prefer more formal attire. There is room for everyone at FJL, However, we do ask that you wear clothes....(LOL)

Q: How long will the service last?

A: This depends greatly on how many folk are in worship and how long it takes to share Holy Communion

and if there are Baptisms.  Our goal is 60 - 75 minutes.

Q: How do I find my way around your campus?

A: We know that finding ones away around a new place is intimidating.  We want to provide you with a layout of our campuses to  help you navigate around and find some of the most important places in our buildings (like the bathrooms!)


Q: Will I have to say anything, sing anything, sign anything, give anything, or be singled out in any way?

A: Simply put: no, no, no, no & no. We want you to connect in ways that are meaningful to you. We would love to get to know you - but we respect your privacy.

Q: What time is the service, and how do I get there?

A: CLICK ON THIS LINK to view our worship page and you will find a host of information about our weekly worship offerings. 

A: CLICK HERE to find out how to find us.

Q: What is this "Texting Group" that I have heard of?

A: We have a voluntary group that signs up to receives text alerts for information relevant to FJLC ministries.  We promise that we will not bombard you with text messages - only the information that you want and that is useful to you.  If you would like to sign up to receive text messages you can CLICK HERE


Q: Can I contact you?

A: You sure can. CLICK HERE for our staff directory page.

Q: Can I or my child be baptized?

A: YES!!! CLICK HERE for more information on Baptism and what baptism means @FJLC

Q: Can I be married @FJLC?

A: YES! CLICK HERE for more information about having your wedding @FJLC

Q: What does Faith✟Journey expect of me?

A: To come as you are, to experience the love of God among us. To be refreshed and renewed. To see and feel and witness God at work in this community. CLICK HERE to view our "Guests of FJLC" page that has some helpful information about those who are new to our family.

Q: What about all the other questions I have?

A: Email us or call us (701.282.3309) - whichever you are more comfortable with &  we will be happy to talk with and answer all your questions.