The Sacrament of Holy Communion

We believe that a person is baptized once. Because of the unfailing nature of God's promise and because of God's once-for-all action in Christ, Baptism is not repeated.  It doesn't need to be.  Re-baptism declares, either intentionally or unintentionally, that God did not do what God promised to do the first time.  Additionally, re-baptism focuses the attention on the baptized and away from what God in Christ is doing.

Baptism is not a sign of our commitment to Christ and it is not of our doing.  Baptism IS what God does for us.  In baptism we receive salvation, receive spiritual strength for faith, we are joined into a community dedicated to doing God's work and we are obeying the command of Christ.

There are no "deficient" baptisms.  Any person who is baptized by water, the word and in the Triune name of God - Father, Son and Holy Spirit is baptized.  The work of baptism is not dependent on the "goodness" of the person doing the baptism - it is all about what God is doing in the life of the baptized.

Baptisms @ FJLC

We believe that all people are born into a "fallen humanity." That is to say that from birth - the relationship between God and humanity is broken.  However, through baptism we are re-born as a child of God and experience God’s extravagant love as we become “part of God’s family” and the Christian community, the Church.

Baptism is Sacrament, administered  by the Church but the action is all God’s. Baptism is a personal gift of God’s love given freely by God - we respond to that gift in the ways we live and order our lives of faith.  Baptism is unconditioned - that is to say that there is nothing that one must do prior to receiving the sacrament.  

For the sake of order in the Church, ordained pastors who are called to the public ministry of Word and Sacrament preside at a baptism. In extraordinary circumstances or in the case of an emergency, any Christian person can baptize someone with any kind of water in any kind of setting "in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit."

We invite you to jump into the promises of God that are yours in the living waters of baptism. At Faith✟Journey there is no age limit for baptism.  You don't even need to be a member [but we really hope that you would explore that possibility].  We practice infant baptism because Scripture declares that God is the initiator of the right relationship - we do not earn God's favor - God simply gives it.  Martin Luther wrote as he explained the Apostles' Creed, "I believe that I cannot by my own reason or strength believe in Jesus Christ may Lord or come to him."

Jesus said, "Let the little children come to me, and do not stop them; for it is to such as these that the kingdom of heaven belongs" (Matthew 19:14). In the Bible - time and time again - God initiates our relationship with Him. God chooses us first and then waits for our faithful response. The practice of circumcision for eight-day-old boys in the Old Testament was a sign of God choosing the male offspring of Abraham and Sarah (See Genesis 17:10-12). An eight-day-old infant cannot choose to believe in God or accept him as personal Lord and Savior. Instead, God chooses these infants to be included as a part of God's family.

It is important to note that as your child is baptized, he/she will become a member of Faith✟Journey. If you, as a parent, are not already a member, you may want to join your child in membership and partner with us in ministry. 

New members are received twice each year in the spring and fall. We hope you will get connected so that you and your child may grow in your relationship with God.

Parents bring their child who is not yet able to understand the new life God is creating with them to be baptized.  Parents and sponsors, along with those who are gathered in the assembly,  publicly commit themselves to spiritually nurture the newly baptized by committing to pray for them, teach them the faith through worship, prayer or study so that later in life, the person may speak for themselves and lay claim to their personal discipleship

Holy Baptism occurs during regular worship services except in extraordinary circumstances. Baptismal Classes are held 1/2 hour prior to baptism worship service. This required class is for parents, sponsors and family members of the person to be baptized. 

The approximately 30 minute class is taught by one of the pastors.

To request baptism for yourself or your child, please use the Request form below  


If you have questions or would like to schedule a baptism, contact Carly in the church office at or by calling 701.282.3309.


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Baptism is a Sacrament

Lutherans have two Sacraments: Baptism and Holy Communion. Lutherans use the term sacrament to describe acts in the Christian life & worship that are commanded by Jesus, include an earthly element [like water] and includes a promise of God's presence. The Sacrament of Baptism initiates our life in Christ.

The hard truth is that we are born children of a fallen humanity - that is we are not, by our nature, in a right relationship with God.  Through baptism and the Holy Spirit we are re-born children of God - because God makes the relationship right as only God can do.

Baptism is not Symbolic

Baptism is not simply plain water. Instead, it is water used according to God’s command and connected with God’s word. (Matthew 28:18-20) Baptism is a personal gift of God’s love to us which we receive by faith. The Bible says that through the waters of Baptism our old life apart from God is ended, just as Jesus died in our place. And a new life with God is given to us in baptism, just as Jesus was raised never to die again. (Romans 6:3-4) This sacrament of belonging gives God’s promise of forgiveness and new life in Jesus Christ.

For Lutherans, baptism is not a symbol of one's faith or of the "acceptance of Jesus as one's personal Lord."  Baptism is God's act of graciously bestowing the promise of love and mercy.  We offer baptism to anyone - because that is what Jesus commands us to do.  There is nothing that one must do [or can do for that matter], no confession professed, no statement of faith that makes one "worthy" to receive baptism - you are made worthy by God. There is no "right way" to baptize - it matters not if you are immersed or sprinkled with water...what makes baptism is what God is doing not what we do...when water and the Word are combined, there is baptism.

The Importance of Water and Word

Luther said, "... when the Word accompanies the water, Baptism is valid, even though faith be lacking. For my faith does not constitute Baptism, but receives it." 

For humans, water is life.  We are drawn to water.  We are made mostly of water.  Life as we know it cannot exist without water.  The connection of water and the Word of God is made many places in Scripture - but most notably in the Gospel of John where Jesus says to the Samaritan woman, "those who drink of the water that I will give them will never be thirsty."  The water of which Jesus speaks is salvation - not earned - simply given by God's Word.

It is important for us to note that Jesus never commands the manner in which people are baptized - only that they are.  The manner of baptism is simple - water + Word.  Lutherans do not get hung up on the "how should it be done" rather we concentrate on "that it is done."