The Process for joining a church family should not be hard - at least that's what we think.
For many the process is not only hard - but overly intense.
The traditional formula for joining a church is
A) BELIEVE What we believe,
B) BEHAVE like we behave;
C) Then you will BELONG as we belong
We like to turn that on its head and simply ask that you hang out with us - "belong" with us. Being a part our Faith✟Journey as a "member" does not mean that you believe everything that everyone else does or that you behave like everyone else does...
it means that you want to belong to a family - on our journey of life...
If you are interested in making Faith✟Journey your church home -simply follow this three-step process
1) Fill out a New Member Form
(you can Download it and return it to the church office or fill it out & submit it Online) [✔︎]
2) Attend a Welcome Lunch - these are usually held on a Sunday after 11am worship [✔︎]
3) Connect to the ministries that enliven your passions!! [✔︎]
Many times, we want to be a part of something that is making a difference in the community and in the world but we don't really know how. @ FJLC we are doing all that we can to make it easier to find out what your S.H.A.P.E. for ministry looks like -
follow this link for more information about finding your SHAPE
Our New Member Orientation luncheons are held throughout the year. We want to give you the opportunity to meet with staff and pastors, ask questions and get to know those around you.
Below are some questions that many people ask when we talk about church membership...if you don't find the answer to the questions that you are looking for - just give us a call at the church office and one of the pastors or staff will be happy to chat with you.